Dept. of Salyatantra
The Department of Shalya Tantra has earned recognition as tertiary centre of care in Ayurveda surgery amongst patients in Delhi and neighbouring states. The department has retsined its traction in attracting the top-ranking PG and PhO aspirants from all over the country right from its inception at College The dept. has taken 2 lead in adopting and integrating the modern concepts, tools and techniques in modem general surgery for the advancement of the art and science of Ayurveda surgery at College, The highly qualified teaching faculty and distinguished professors of the dept. are committed to provide the best possible care to patients who requires surgical & para-surgical services such as Ksharkarma, Agnikarms, Raktamokshana at tertiary level. At present the dept. ie running three clinical specialty OPDs namely 1. Samays Shalya OPD/ General Surgery 2. Guda Roge / Ano-Ractal OPO 2. Asth-Sandhi-Marma Roga / Integrated Orthopaedic and Sports Inury OPD. The Mootraroge / Ayurveda Urology unit is also being developed. The department is well equipped with modular operation thestres and all the advanced gadgetry including laparoscope, colonoscope, gastroscope and bronchoscope. The simulation lab i in an advanced stage of setting up. The Shalys Tantra operation thestre is being equipped with CArm and orthopaedic table etc for orthopaedic surgical procedures. The Ksharskarma Unit is most admirable unit providing treatment to patients of Arsha (piles), Bhagandara (istula-n-ano), Parikartika (Fissure from Delhi and nesrby states were benefited by Ksharakarmaano), Nadivrana (sinuses) etc. Large number of patients
In keeping with the stated mandate of AIA being a centre of excellence for tertiary care in Ayurveds, the Department of Shalya Tantra visualizes to develop a State- of - the-art Centre for Ayurveda Surgery, with its fully equipped and developed Specialties of General Surgery, Ano-rectal Surgery, ASMR and Urology.
The department of Shalya Tantra is working in @ mission mode to upgrade the existing facilities and develop the new areas as stated below-
- Enhancement of boundaries of Ayurveda Surgery by adding new techniques in recent era
- Scope of General surgery has been widened and upgraded by commencement Laparoscopy, Endoscopy procedures.
- TDevelopment of Excellence centre in the field of Ayurveda for surgical and Pars-surgical care in different surgical elements especially Chronic wounds, Anorectal, ASMR & Mutra-Roga/Urology.
- To provide comprehensive teaching-training and research at PG and PhO level by using advanced learning and investigative tools to produce » competitive, competent and confident surgeon in the field of ayurveda surgery supplements with modern medical and surgical advances.
- To provide excellent patient care service by using evidence-based practice of Keharasutra in the fild of Ano-Rectal disorders and promoting research in the field of Para-surgery (Agnikarma,Ksharakarma, Raktsmokshan), Asthi-Sandhi-Marma Roga, Mootra Roge, Vrana Ropans etc to fulfl the emerging needs of the societyt
- To provide state of art educational programmes at PG and Ph.D. level as well as knowledge dissemination programme for faculties & practitioners,
- Encompssses the research activities to contribute patient friendly solutions to overcome post-surgical problems lke psin and infection
- To empower the Ayurveds postgraduates in skill and knowledge of modern orthopaedic surgery and serving to be the best in clinical outcomes in ASMR disorders by incorporating Ayurveda and